Tank Cleaning
Sludge removal from tanks is difficult and time-consuming. Our pumps, with their immense suction and discharge pressure, make it possible to easily remove high viscous media from the bottom of a tank. Sludge Pumps’ heavy-duty pumps are now being used by dozens of companies. You too can use our pump on your vacuum truck or super sucker while they're loading.

Efficient Industrial Tank Cleaning Pumps
Our pumps have an innovative patent-pending design which allows for increased efficiency. They can be used for pumping heavy crude with paraffin mixed with debris up to 2-1/2". We have years of industry experience, and our pumps have handled their fair share of flammable residue removal even working in gaseous situations.
Tell your local pump rental company to get a Bolsena Pump today!
We are working with pump rental companies to make the Bolsena Pump available nationwide. Ask your local pump rental company to have them available for you. If you want to learn more about our pumps, feel free to Call Us, and we’ll be happy to help!